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Face To Face

The expression ‘contact’, which entered our lives with the pandemic, has a deep origin that actually begins with human history. Basically, it is a dance of the concept of ’I‘ and ’other', the conception of a center-wall, inner-outer relationship. While we are in contact with a place, a person, an object, a fiction, a design, a work, in fact, the person himself, there is always ‘I’ in the center. We actually relate to ourselves through what we come into contact with, we perceive ourselves, because this is a selection. So what is there in that deep, wide circle where we stay in touch with ourselves today, when the concept of the wall seems to withdraw from the work, when we cannot perceive ourselves through the ‘other’? What happened there? Shall we come face to face and talk about this?


29 October, 19:00

04.12.2021 BOŞLUK.jpg


Is void an utopia? Is the emptiness in the film, the emptiness in design, the emptiness in art, the connection and contact with what was not actually filmed, written, drawn, an utopia?  We say ’negative space', it doesn't find the exact meaning, but we say it. The brave part of the design that didn't dare to be designed. Is that possible? 

The Japanese say 'ma'. In their beliefs, the space between forms, what is seen, what is heard is considered sacred. The symbol in their kanji is the sun rising through an open door. In the relevant texts, it is also associated with the space-time relationship and breathing. Let's bring the subject to us again; how is it possible to create a void in the city, to stretch the boundaries, to be in a void, to be able to create it? Is a gap in literature possible? To involve all disciplines in the work and to manage this myth and to exist again with a gap, to exist, at least to transform, to design..


December 4, 14:00


Muhsin Bey

İstanbul’lu Muhsin Bey, Türk musikisine ve çiçeklerine düşkün, değerlerine bağlı bir “eski usül” adamdır. 80'lerde hızla dönüşen şehre, zamanın kültür erozyonuna yabancı ve ilkeleriyle yaşayan bir adam, tabii şehir ve zaman sınırlarını zorlayacaktır. Hikayenin figürleri değişkenlik gösteriyor ancak kurgu pek değişmiyor. 80’lerde ‘buralı’ları ve dışarıdan gelenleri ile şehir, umutlar, arzular, bir arzu nesnesi olarak ve arzunun dönüştürdüğü şehir, kültürlerin temaşası, çatışması ve anlaşması, bağlar, dönüşümler..


Yavuz Turgul’un yazıp yönettiği, Şener Şen ve Uğur Yücel’in başrollerini paylaştığı gerçek bir Beyoğlu, İstanbul filmi Muhsin Bey’i tam da çekimlerinin yapıldığı Doğan Apartmanı terasında, sahnelerinin içinde izleyelim ve sonrasında tüm bu kavramlar üzerinden kentlerin dönüşümüne bir bakış, bir kıyaslama, tartışmasını yapalım mı?


17 Haziran, 20:30, Teras

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